Hailing from Kolkata, Sayantani Ghosh came to Mumbai in pursuit of a career in the Hindi entertainment industry. With dreams unlimited and a will to make a name for herself, Sayantani approached some prominent production houses and in her first attempt itself, was offered the role of Antara, in BAG's Kumkum-Ek Pyara Sa Bandhan. After a short stint in the afternoon soap, she bagged a lead role in Ghar Ek Sapna..and there was no looking back.
Having just shot for Aroona Irani's new serial to be aired on Zee TV, Sayantani is excited about the show where she plays the title role. Telly Buzz caught up with the actress to find out more about the show and her character..
How is it working with Aroona Irani?
It is very nice to work with Aroonaji, she is the Producer of this serial, but she plays a part of the cast too. So I get to learn a lot from her. She is extremely nice with me, very co-operative and accommodative.
Tell us about your character in the serial and about the story..
Naaginn is the story of Amrita, an Icchadari Naag, played by me. Her parents get killed and Amrita is all set to take revenge. Before her mother dies, Amrita sees the killer's pictures in her mother's eyes. Her mother also warns Amrita that she needs to attain the Precious Naagmani and keep it under her possession, as any human with a bad mind, can use it causing great destruction to mankind. So Amrita sets off to search for her parents' killer as well as the Naagamani.
In this journey, she marries the son of the Rathod family, and believes that Vishnu, the father of her husband is her parents' killer. Once she gets married, she notices that Vishnu, her father-in-law is such a good person by heart, and realizes that something is amiss, and that he is not the real culprit. Later, it turns out that, Vishnu's brother Rudr, played by Ali Hassan is the real culprit. So thus begins the struggle in Amrita's mind, where she realizes that her husband and father-in-law are very nice, but she has to avenge Rudr who is a part of the family.. This is the tale of Amrita, the Naag who gets torn between her love for her husband and the revenge she is to seek for the brutal death of her parents.
So what character does Aroonaji play?
Aroonaji plays a positive character here, she is the eldest person in Rathod family, she happens to be the Dadi of Amrita's husband, and mother of Rudr and Vishnu. She is the strongest character in the serial, but there is a twist to the tale. The twist being that, she very well knows that one of her son is going to be the reason for her another son's destruction.
Who is going to be cast as the male lead in the show?
Well, the search is on and the channel and the production house has not finalised any actor. The male lead will make an entry only after a month or so.. So there is time left.
So is it true that you are out of Ghar Ek Sapna for Naaginn?
Well, these are all just speculations. I am concerned about both my shows, and I know to balance both well. Naaginn is a weekend show, so I need to give only 15 days a month for this. In the same way, Ghar also is a 15 days per month schedule. So at least from my side, I am sure that I will balance both serials and do well.
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